Wednesday, March 19, 2008


All Creatures Great & Small a collection I designed for
The Land of Nod. This was a fun one! Like all the bedding
collections I work on for them I make a fabric sample to
scale. Lots of work & even more fun. They're great to work
with as often times (as shown here) I not only get to design
the bedding but the rugs, decorative pillows & curtains
the whole shabang!

Also, for The Land of Nod this gang of hand-puppets.
I love this photo of them all lined up. Reminds me a
bit of the school photo. I'm always amazed what a
terrific job they're able to do with the samples I make
to the final product sold. (A little Twilight Zone like)

1 comment:

  1. hola Jill! ok, so i'm visiting for the first time...i didn't realize you had started a blog! just went thru the past few months, and DANG! girl. you are so prolific! talk about inspiring. one of the most inspiring things to me is how you go after what you want. you don't wait, you just go. i love that. it's also nice to see/hear what inspires you. i'm in love with this LOD collection. it's so sweet and fun and beautiful. thanks for sharing--i'll be checking in...
