Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Moving right along.......

Today I thought I'd share the transportation wall art I recently completed. The client wanted a series of art with a different car traveling through a different enviroment for each square. I wanted to keep the cars simple so I went with a collage approach. I ended up running each square through the sewing machine for extra texture and movement. Later I added the text for a meeting I had with a children's book publisher. I hope to have news on that front soon.
I think my favorite square is the City scooter under the stars.
What's yours?


  1. I like the one up to the mountains! So cute...

  2. They're all great, but my favorite I think is the one "down the hills and past the farm." Love that little barn. ;):)

  3. These are all cute! I like "Down the Hills & Past the Farm" best. It feels like it is Autumn in this one & I like the sense of that, too. This will make a cute book. It would be fun to read on the way to vacation.

  4. Gosh I love these! My favourite is "off to the beach for some fun"

  5. i want to buy them were can i get it
