Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Bright Lights BIG c i t y....

I love architecture but will I admit I really don't know much about it.  When I met Antonio & found out he was an architect I was intrigued.  (and excited as I'm shy & this was a good topic)  I love the shapes, blocks of color, the decorative details, the variety of materials & how when you move around the world the approach to it all changes but yet doesn't.  It's all exciting to me.  I've wanted to do a series of cards each illustrating a different style of architecture.   This brings me to today's post a fun new piece that has more of an urban / we're all in it together feel.  


  1. What a great piece! I love this one! I like so many things about it. My favorite are the dots in the sky that say explore and daydream. I also like the ladder to the stars and the pink building with little tree in front. The sun is pretty awesome, too!!

  2. Great color too as always!

    I'm hosting a giveaway - stop by if you are in the mood!!

  3. Love it. Beautiful detail...like the bicycle at the bottom.

  4. Thanks guys....
    I'm fond of this one too!

  5. :) i love your illustration style, it's the kind of design i would see all day if i could
