Wednesday, May 20, 2009

And We're Back!

Wow- what a trip.  I don't recommend taking a toddler to a trade show.  Poor thing he did his best but it was just too much.  (Hey, some days it's too much for me!)  We could only get him in the photo when he finally took a nap.  The show went really well lots of new exciting opportunities.  We found some great homes for some of the work.  I always enjoy showing the collection.  I went with a Jill McDonald mini city.  We build a huge mural that incorporated many of the prints as our back drop this year.  It was fun & different- years passed we've always done banners.  Well, Now it's back at it more deadlines just around the corner.


  1. Dear Jill,
    You are so talented. It's always a treat for me to check out your blog to see what you are doing next.

  2. SO cool. I would go just to stand in the booth and take a photo! Love it!

  3. Glad it went well- your stand looked amazing!

  4. Your nook looks great, love the city idea! It must have been so fun for your little guy to see "mommy's work" in that setting.

  5. hey Jill! the mural city booth backdrop is totally awesome! i love it. i'm sure it brought a lot of curious visitors. just love how you created it with your patterns. glad the trade show went great for you! you really inspire me. and it's so nice to see you as 'mommy' even if luka was sleeping. sigh.

  6. LOVE your booth, Jill!
    Hope it was a great time! :)
    Hugs! Happy Friday!

  7. Your booth looks great! What a clever way to show off so many of your cool patterns. I'm glad the show was a success!

  8. Thanks for all the support! We always do our best to make it FUN & mix it up. It's a relief to check off the to do list for now.

  9. You booth looks great! Love the city theme...

  10. Oh Wow! Your images look wonderful around the booth, and you are so brave to tackle a trade show with a toddler!
    I am sure your work attracted a lot of interest.
