Friday, July 3, 2009

Hooray for the Fourth

Today I thought I'd show a photo of our studio at night. The 4th of July has always been one of my favorite holidays. I love the patriotism, the birthday of our country's independence,the time of the year (summer), the parades, the bar-b-ques, the marching band music & of course the fireworks. Luca is looking forward to the big display our little town puts on every year. So on that note I'll wrap up our week! Happy 4th to you & yours. (think the photo shows that x-mas lights can work year round....)

1 comment:

  1. Love your studio and how it's decorated! :-D Happy 4th of July to you and your family, Jill! Coming from a military family (my Dad was in the Army for 30 years and my husband was in the Army for a bit, too) I just love the 4th! Big hugs! :)
