Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Painted Present

My parents went to Boston about a month ago to visit my brother, his wife & their little one. I found the Noah's Ark boat (unfinished) at a second hand toy shop across the street from our studio. (one of Luca's favorite hang outs) I knew when I saw it- it would be a perfect quick project for my Dad & I. He like me loves to paint so we spend a few hours pulling this together. Over the last 5 1/2 years I've made & sold lots of Noah's Ark art. I'm showing one today I don't think I've posted before. (I lose track sometimes....) Anyhow, our painted present was a hit & I nice evening spent with my Dad painting. *The top of the boat lifts up like a lid with more animals inside.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Aunt Jill! Maxwell loves his ark - it looks great in his room and goes perfectly with your LON bedding :o) We love having all of your stuff in his room to remind us of YOU! Can't wait to see you soon!
