Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Some days I dream of running away leaving the deadlines behind to open my own little flower shop. This is not going to happen... (at least anytime soon) but it is a fun escape for me to think about. How about you -What do you daydream about?


  1. What a lovely illustration. Beautiful flower shop it looks cool to work there, I want a funky craft shop!

  2. I love your illustration and I'd love to go there!
    I think that it would be fun to have a bakery/coffe shop.
    I wish that place on the corner in Parkville had a lovely flower shop in it instead of a hot dog stand.You would create such a darling window/storefront, too.

  3. Hi Girls,
    Thanks for stopping by & letting me know about your dream shops. Fun to stop & day dream a bit about.
    Tracey I wish that place on the corner was a flower shop too- it's the best location. Until then I guess it's hot dogs!
    Dream on....

  4. jill I just came across your blog, I love your work. what inspires you?

  5. love your colors. wow!

  6. Thanks to everyone who left a comment! Fun to hear your thoughts. So what inspires me. Color, my memories, my family, my environment, love, warmth. Making art has always been my safe place were I feel like I belong. Time flies by & I just feel in-tune to myself & the world around me. Pure happiness!

  7. I dream of escaping to a sun dappled grassy bank near a clear stream, where I could lie back and watch the animals and birds play... but it would be nice if your flower shop was just around the corner for me to visit... next to Tracey's bakery/coffee shop perhaps! :o)

  8. Hi June, I could hang out with you on the grassy bank near the stream- sounds charming. Then off to Tracey's bake shop.

    Thanks to everyone for their comments. So fun to see the places you imagine!
