Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Words to live by.

I recently stumbled across this quote by Joseph Chilton Pearce. I can't get it out of my head. So simple & true. Last night I spent a little time cutting out the words to frame & hang on my stairway. I plan to take notice of it each time I pass by. * I posted this yesterday without the word "lose" (thanks for catching that Barry) Guess I'm not as productive as I thought after 10pm :)


  1. Love the quote, thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Found this via a board on Pinterest. Great quote! I too am going to frame & hang it in the hopes that I can apply it and become more of who I want to be. Thank you!

  3. Love this quote! It's so true, but hard to live by sometimes!

  4. Jill,
    Your work is amazing. I visited your shop. Do you allow people to print things from your blog though? I would love to frame this.

  5. Hi Lindsay, Sorry for a delayed reply & THANKs for such a nice compliment! Yes I've you'd like to print the creative life quote feel free. I'm working on putting together an Etsy site which will be up in mid - June. I'll have this print available there. The resolution may be better. Thanks for asking first :) Very nice of you!
    Hope you'll stop back by.

  6. Wooo whooo! So excited to see you will have a shop on Etsy. We I went looking for your artwork for sale and was so sad to see this wasn't one. Thank you for the reply.
