Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hippity Hoppity

Easter's on it's way! I've been so busy lately I didn't realize Easter is this Sunday. I thought for the next couple of days I would post some Easter art. I painted this one my first spring with Luca. I'm looking forward to dying eggs with him. What an exciting mess that will be!


  1. "Leader of the Quack!" Ha ha.
    This is so much fun.
    Enjoy yourselves colouring the eggs.tingsh

  2. So cute!

    Our first Easter in England, and all the eggs are brown - which makes for a challenge dying them. We had to import the Paas dye from the US; it doesn't seem to be a tradition here :). Hope you had fun dying yours

  3. So interesting to find out new nuances throughout the world. Glad you found a way to die your eggs! I love brown eggs- especially the one with speckles.
