Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Royally Excited!

I have to admit I'm smitten with the upcoming royal wedding. Yes, I'll be up at the crack of dawn tuned in tissue in hand. I wish I was in London to see pageantry a bit more up close & I guess kind of personal? (among millions) I haven't completely lost my mind though. I do realize that people are just people & the stress these two must be under is immense. For me it's just about a temporary break from the ordinary & seeing some pretty amazing hats! My son wakes every morning at 5:45 I've talked him into watching it with me. I've already planned our breakfast Friday morning tea & blueberry scones. So I'll never be a princess but I do look forward to being the tooth fairy some day. Close enough for me!


  1. Your post made me smile, to think of people getting up all excited, all around the world, for a wedding in the UK. :o)
    The crowds are already sleeping out on the streets of London to get the best spot to watch the wedding procession. The rehersal has taken place with the horses and guards following the route in a trial run.
    Sadly after much fine weather, the forecast is for rain showers!
    I'll think of you watching the broadcast across the pond as I watch the TV in the UK.

  2. Did you enjoy it? :o) Everything went off well, and looked splendid,
    and it didn't rain after all.

  3. It was lovely almost magical. I had planned to watch it from home but I was in NY Wednesday & my flight canceled on Thursday. I ended up watching at the not so magical LaGuardi Hotel. Nonetheless, it was perfect!
    What a pretty couple they are.
