Friday, October 21, 2011

What A World Fabric

Hooray it's FRIDAY! Things have been moving fast around the studio. I'm hard at work with New JM crib bedding updates. My Jill McDonald Baby & Kids (stationary, albums, puzzles & more) will hit the market this January & I'm starting to work on new products for the summer launch. And on my free time I'm hard at work starting an Etsy shop.

Next week my first line of fabric What -a- World with P & B Textiles will debut at the International Quilt Market. Makes me a little tired & happy just thinking about it all. I don't want to portray the idea that all this stuff is easy. I've been hard at work for well... years now slowly making things happen. I often think that's the problem with blogs- it seems like *poof magically a designer or artist has conquered a market. But like all good things it takes hard work, putting yourself out there & specially perseverance. OK- now that that's over on to the fun stuff!

I've dreamed of having a fabric line for 5 years now. P & B textiles contacted me about a year ago & I was thrilled! My collection What -a- World keeps with my love of mixing art & touches of education. One of my fabrics is a giant world map packed full of fun facts & cultural icons, another is how to say "Hello" in over 15 languages. For another I illustrated a group of international kids. Each world kid can be cut out individually backed with another fabric & sewn together to make a doll. (This idea still makes me SO happy!-and they turned out really nicely) There is also a large panel print called "City Blocks" were in each square I explored a different city.

I hope to show more of this collection soon. For now here's a sneak peek.
I think this will be fun fabric for both parents & kids- Enjoy!


  1. Hi sweet Jill!

    SO excited about your fabric and all of the cool things happening for you! You deserve it all! I'm REALLY excited about your Etsy shop, too! Yay! I just opened my own Etsy shop tonight. It's going to be a slow thing with me, (adding new crafty goodness as the time goes on) but I'm ok with slowly building my dream. :)

    Keep up the good work! Have a great weekend, my friend! Hugs!

  2. Oh and here's my shop in case you want a peek! ;)

  3. Hi Kristina. Your shop is SO pretty & colorful!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Slow & steady wins the race ;)

  4. Thank you, Jill!
    That means so much coming from you! BIG hugs! :)

  5. Jill, I love these fabrics! I'm making a quilt with them right now and am having so much fun! Thought I would share and encourage you to keep doing great design. You're wonderful!

  6. Hi Robin! Nice to meet you. I wanted to say thanks for you for your lovely comment! When I checked out your blog I was blown away by all the beautiful things you make with fabric. WOW! Thanks for the encouragement. I should have a new P & B collection out this October so stay tuned!

  7. My pleasure. I really love your style and will look for the P & B collection. The quilt is finished if you'd like to see:
    Xxo Robin

  8. Hi there,
    I just received a parcel in the post from a friend who lives on the other side of the world. In it was some of your lovely What a World fabric...I actually cried when I opened it I loved the gift so much and had to google straight away who this Jill Mcdonald was and why I had never come across such beautifully designed fabric before haha! I am so happy I now know your work exists, thanks, Kylie

  9. Hi Jill,
    I wanna ask, is this fabric still available? how can i purchase? really like the design. i'm from Malaysia, and really want to have this fabric. My friend manage to buy and she saw her baby quilt.
