Friday, December 2, 2011

Sweet Tooth

My little Luca has a real sweet tooth. (the look in his eyes gives it away)
We put together this gingerbread house a few nights ago. I LOVE his age right now (4)
We can enjoy all sorts of activities together. He's got lots of ideas, is a complete
chatterbox & constantly busy. His daddy & I can't get enough of him!
(guess this was my proud parent post for the month)


  1. What a cutie pie he is, Jill! Love that gingerbread house! Fun! :)

  2. Luca has such a twinkle in his eyes. i love the photo! Tulsi is having so much fun this season, too!

  3. That gingerbread house looks good enough to eat! Who came up with the idea? Seeing your child with that happy smile is priceless. That's a fun and creative way to spend an afternoon with kids. I must try that when my nieces and nephews come for a visit.

  4. Hi Calandra. Baking is always his idea. He's made me a much better baker (& person) Yes, you should give it a try with your nieces & nephews. I found spending cooking with him surprisingly relaxing. Thanks for stopping by!
