Friday, February 6, 2015

Count Down

Hello & Happy Friday!
Some exciting news to share today.
My family has been building a NEW house.
This has been a dream of ours for many years. 
(my second half previously worked as an architect)

It turned out to be a two year journey filled with ups, downs
& all sorts of twist & turns.  It's been a real roller coaster ride!
(I tended to avoid roller coasters as a child)

Well, today is MOVING DAY!!!
Hooray, I'm getting off this ride
& plan to enjoy the heck out of our new house.

*I'm looking forward to not hearing that ripping sound of packing tape for a very long time!


  1. Oh Jill...that's lovely...enjoy your new home x

  2. Thanks Jayne! Still making my way through a mountain of boxes! Despite all that we LOVE it!
    Appreciate your well wishes!

  3. Hi Jill
    Just wanted to say congrats on the the new house. I am a little late on this as you have probably moved in and are unloading those boxes now.
    Best wishes in your new house.

    lots of luck and love
    Happy Valentines Day to you and your family
