Thursday, May 25, 2017

Surtex, done & dusted!

Me in my booth

A few of my buttons, I ended up designing 12 for a fun assortment to choose from.

A floral print giveaway for special clients.
Sometimes the booth got busy & I totally forgot about this.

Whew, I won't lie the amount of work that goes into preparing for Surtex is immense.  From updating your collection, being your own art director & editor, sending out some promotion, making banners, updating business cards, creating fun little branded giveaways & getting all that to New York-it's A LOT.  All that said it's always a great feeling of accomplishment once it's done & you're standing behind the booth.

I had a good show.  It's always important to me to stand behind my work & see what the response is like.  People will let you know what's working & what's not. (not always verbally, you can tell by body language or a look)  That keeps my eyes open & evolving which is essential as an artist.
Knowing and understanding your market is important.

I'm always blown away by how many super talented people there are in the industry and how kind and supportive most of them are.  We're all putting our hearts, dreams & days behind what we do.
And while it's not always easy it's a beautiful way to walk through life. (doing what you love)

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