Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Chameleon Art Products

Chameleon Art Products reached out to see if I'd like to be part of World Watercolor Month.
In return they offered to send me a deluxe set of their Color Tones Markers & Color Tops (that can boost the color in different ways)
The Color Tone Markers have a thin tip on one side & brush tip on the other.
There's also a colorless blender on each marker that helps create a gentle painted effect.
You gently touch the tip & the magic happens.
This was my son's favorite part. (He's 11 & they are appropriate for the age.)

Each marker opens 3 different ways which can take some getting use to.
What I'm showing above is how I started to play & get a better understanding of what these
markers can do.  The colors are vibrant & using the smaller sized Color Tops can create
some cool effects depending on the marker you touch it to.

Like any new art supply these took some time to gain familiarity & confidence with.
Once you do they're lots of fun & really convent for travel.
(when it's hard to lug around paints, water & palettes)

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