Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Going UP!

Today is my birthday I'm 44.
As I get older I think about the past year.  Was I big enough, bold
enough, did I let people close to me know I love them-
am I proud of how I used my time?

I tend to limit myself to what I think I'm good at,
what I've done before so, this year I'm going to work
on not limiting myself.  I got a little taste of this over the last couple years with writing the Hello, World! books. (with some help from an awesome editor)
I thought this was an impossible task for me but, have surprised myself & done it. 
Which feels good!
Moving forward I'll just let go & see where that leads....  
Unless, it leads to a hot air balloon which I'm definitely NOT getting into!
Perhaps, a plane... I'd like to travel more.

1 comment:

  1. Hello

    I am a big fan of your artwork! You are such an inspiration!!!


