Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Celebrate & Participate


 In 41 days (or sooner by mail) it will be time to vote!

I hope you have a plan in place to participate in our democracy. (it's trickier this time)

If you're not registered or curious about checking your status you can visit

If you feel like you'd like a blueprint on how you'll vote this November you can visit  Both sites are tools available to you.

Since my son was a toddler I'd take him to the polling center with me so he could see me vote.

At the end we'd both grab a sticker & we'd talk about how it's important to vote for what you believe in.

That everyone has a voice & that the beautiful thing about our country is that we can have a say in how things go.

This year I'll have him sit at the kitchen table with me when my ballot arrives and I'll once again talk to him about why voting is an important tradition to preserve.

Kids model our behavior, please vote & let them know why you do it & what it means to you.

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