Monday, March 22, 2021

* *Stay Playful* *


I participated in March Meet the Maker on my Instagram feed this month. (sharing so much has made me anxious but, hopefully someone will find it helpful.)  I thought I'd share my last post here as well.  It's a mindset that's benefited me over the years.
Ready or not, here I come is something we hear kids exuberantly shout but, something you rarely say as an adult. 
(but I think we should) 
Waiting until you're “ready” may never come.  I’m not suggesting that it’s good to not be sensible but, instead to not overthink & talk yourself out of something until the magic moment you’re ready. 
Having my own art business has been an experiment with lots of change filled with big ups & downs.
The one constant has been the heart & drive I try to put into each different opportunity.  I’ve tried not to take on projects I’ve felt ready for but instead jump into things with the excitement & curiosity of a kid at play & think okay here I come!

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