Friday, April 22, 2022

Earth Day


What a beautiful planet we get to call home.  Round like a swirled blue marble or shown flat on a map there’s so much to see, appreciate, protect and preserve.  The first Earth day was celebrated in 1970.

The Earth is what we all have in common.  –Wendell Berry
Let’s take care of it today so it’s here for us Earthlings tomorrow.

Things you can do to help:
– Plant a tree!  (Trees keep the air we breath healthy.)
– Turn off lights you’re not using.
– Try taking a shorter shower or lessen the amount of water you use brushing your teeth.
– Volunteer to pick up trash in a park.
– When making a take out order ask them to skip the plastic utensils, napkins, and straws. 

– Eat less meat.
– Take time to appreciate the beauty of nature.  You’re less likely to mistreat something you appreciate.

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