Friday, April 1, 2022

Friday Feelings

 I made an emotional barometer.  I've been a ball of nerves lately.  (Anyone else?)  My dad/ who I'm close with had a big surgery yesterday– the second in under three months.  Thankfully he's doing well!  We made the decision to change my son's school next year and after many months of waiting finally found out he's accepted. (GIANT relief!) Last but not least I wrapped up a huge book project that still has me feeling woozy.  It was intense but, a great opportunity and kept me up to my ears in research, writing, drawing and painting morning, noon and night! (did I mention weekends too)  

The war in Ukraine and the news of the ice shelf breaking off in Antarctica add to the mounting anxiety. Sigh, I'm going to try to channel the first doodle I painted & chill for a bit!  Note inner tube (to hold me up) and glass of wine. (Malbec, my faovirte red)

P.S.  I don't "chill" easily.  Holding still is hard for me!  #GOALS

Hope you take the time to pinpoint how you're feeling (the world is moving fast) and do what you need to preserve or improve your sense of well being.  It's important!

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