Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Collage Planes

So the Surtex preparation continues at the studio. We have tons of great new work & I'm always excited to show the collection.  The trick is to have a variety of work. From seasonal, girls, boys, teen, florals, quirky conversationals & some more adult/ sophisticated prints. Myself & 2 designer that work with us (Liz & Tara) have been hard at it  for the last two months reinvigorating the collection. I couldn't do it all by myself! (and relieved I don't have to anymore)  Today a boy's airplane print that we did some collage work on together.  Each taking on 3 planes then scanning it in, cleaning it up, building a bit more & adding some text.


  1. Looks more like "draw and tell".

    I just loved it!

    congrats for your work, so beautiful
