Monday, May 11, 2009

Dance Academy

Today I thought I'd show a growth chart I worked on for Oopsy Daisy.  They wanted a growth chart for girls that had to do with dance.  You'll have to zoom in to get all the details.  It was fun to work on something ultra girly.  I never took dance lessons my Mom had me in gymnastics so I had some difficulty with personal reference.  (that always helps me with a project)  That said I think it turned out nicely.  My favorite level is the top yellow dance studio with the chandelier.  Makes me happy.


  1. That is lovely! Very well done!

  2. That is so pretty, Jill!
    Caylin is taking a dance class starting next month and it would be perfect in her room that we just painted! I might have to track that down! ;) Hope you had a lovely Mother's Day! Hugs!

  3. I hope the dance growth chart would add a little extra inspiration for you daughter Kristina.
    That's the part I would LOVE about having a little girl!
