Thursday, May 28, 2009


I've always been a hopeless romantic.(in my own way) I don't watch soap operas or read the sappy love stories. (image of Fabio popping into my mind) I do however completely believe in the power of love. Having that right person is that cherry on top the sundae, the sprinkles on top of the cupcake, the first sparkle of a lightning bug in early summer, the bubbles in a hot bath. You get my point... That's my Antonio. Our anniversary is today & it gives me such happiness to know it all keeps getting better! The power of love. Wish I could bottle it. ( I would share)


  1. Aw, Happy Anniversary to you and Antonio, Jill! Here's to many more love-filled years!! Hugs!

  2. Sooooo sweet! Happy Anniversary to you both...
