Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Pregnancy Patchwork

Hope everyone is rested up from a great long weekend!
I'm getting excited for a visit next week with my brother & sister -n- law.  She's pregnant with their first little one due early September.  They're just thrilled & not finding out if it's a girl or boy.  Which is so cool but I'm just too nosey - I had to know....(this is complicating my plans for nursery decor for them)  I'll be working a birth announcements for a great stationary company soon & a baby scrape booking collection that will be downloadable at two peas in a bucket. I'm really feeling this newer painted pregnancy patch & think it will lend itself nicely to the upcoming projects.  What a happy time pregnancy can be.  So full of new promise, a fresh start, one big adventure.  I'm so thrilled my art gets to be a small part of that!


  1. This is so beautiful, Jill! Love the softness of it! Yay for the things you are created for 2peas!! That's awesome, my friend!!! I can't wait to see it! Hugs! Have a great day!

  2. I love the little sketchy baby clothes!
