My latest collection "Color & Count" with Windham Fabrics is out now. I always enjoy making art that incorporates a touch of education & this fabric collection does just that! With 21 bright, bold skus this collection offers a
RAINBOW of possibilities!
There's counting 1-10 (in English & Spanish) This print is called Count with Me
This next pattern, Color Chart is a trip around the color wheel with
familiar icons paired with the color name. (again in English & Spanish)
There's a range of simpler, easy to use patterns that offer quieter moments that would incorporate brilliantly into a variety of sewing projects.
Raindrops, offered in 2 color ways.
Grid offered in the primary colors + green & aqua.
What's Your Number is offered in bright green (as shown) & tangerine.
Finally, Abacus which comes in 3 color ways.
Hope this bright, bold collection catches your attention. Visit
Windham Fabrics for a list of stores who carry Color & Count!