Monday, June 29, 2020

Happy place

It's Monday... again.
Hope you make some time for your "happy place"
this week.  Whatever that may be.?.
For me it's art.
I'm lucky it also pays the bills!

As I get older I'm learning to lean into what makes me
happy more & try to not dwell on the rest.
(I won't lie this is hard!)
I tend to be a perfectionist so, I want to get
everything right which is impossible not to
mention ridiculous.
(& squelches out joy)

Friday, June 26, 2020

Pinching myself!

                   I hit an exciting milestone with my Hello, World! early learning book series–
ONE MILLION books SOLD! I wanted to share a heartfelt thanks to everyone who has
enjoyed the books & sent me kind messages (featuring your cute, curious kiddos).

A special thanks goes to the team at Random House Kids / Double Day Books who has been a 
delight to work with. Espicially my editor, whose keen eye & generous spirit has helped make
this series even stronger! You never do this kind of things completely on your own. 
So... THANK YOU for making space on your shelves & in this busy world for my books!

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Puzzled characters

To great adventures.... once the world is safer to navigate!
(Who knows when that will be?)

I've always liked making art for the baby/ toddler age range.
Lately, I've been thinking about that extra layer of stress Covid-19
has added for a pregnant or new mom. (or dad)

I don't have any big revelations about this thought but, I 
do think it lights a fire under that care and mindfulness
parenting requires. (with no training wheels)

Feels like we're all living in a bit of an unruly experiment now.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Set Sail

You can't change the wind,
but you can adjust your sails.
–Indian Proverb

I've been thinking about the importance of being resilient.
(especially now)

Monday, June 22, 2020

Dad Swag

Celebrating Dads! (a day late... I know)
It's a wonderfully big role to help raise the future.
So many little moments of love.
Preparing a piece of you but, uniquely their own
 to contribute to our world.

Thursday, June 18, 2020

The weekend is calling!

A painted escape in my sketchbook.
Feels like this summer is much more about taking 
action than soaking up the sun.
That said.... I hope you make time for a little bit of both.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Channeling Dasies


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

A painted reminder

*Watercolor with a few real flowers added for fun.

Monday, June 8, 2020


We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are.
-Max Depree

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Stay open

Ready for change and excited to vote!

Committed to continue listening, learning & being active in ways I can help.
The last couple years have been a be a better human check point.
Coming to a head the last several weeks.

From taking health seriously, to the climate crisis, to a real hard look at how we 
treat minorities and people of color. (for centuries)
And don't forget the abuse of animals.

It's time to do better all the way around!
I know we can-  t o g e t h e r.

*Image painted in my sketchbook.  A place where I paint or draw what's 
going on inside.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Hello, June

Rolling into a new month!
I always look forward to summertime.

Did you know June is PRIDE month?  With so many communities being marginalized
& discriminated against it's important to remember...
You're not being oppressed when another group gains rights that you've always had.

Hope your summer is off to a good start!
*P.S. I miss rollerskating– it was one of my favorite things to do as a kid.