Wednesday, December 20, 2023
Indoor gardening
Monday, December 18, 2023
Totally giftable
Do you have a Hello, World! fan in your family?
Masterpieces has licensed some of my Hello, World! art and made a variety of colorful, fun toddler friendly puzzles.
A perfect gift. 🧩 🎁
Add a bow and you're done!
Friday, December 15, 2023
Wednesday, December 13, 2023
A quiet moment
Pastel pines with a sprinkling of snow. Although December is hectic it can also be very pretty!
(medium— cut paper and paint)
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Sunday, December 3, 2023
I started ice skating lessons with my son today. I love roller skating but somehow ice skating feels so much harder! This was my second time ever on ice skates. “Break a leg I thought to myself”. Thankfully I did not! Here’s to trying something new, feeling brave and making merry memories. ⛸
(Why are outdoor ice rinks so charming, I already have a list I’d like to visit?!)
Thursday, November 30, 2023
Nearly December
Well... I guess it's time to talk about Christmas. This is a collection called Happy Pawlidays I made for Windham Fabrics. It's very merry with lots of furry festive friends. I don't love the Christmas season but I do adore animals & painting them is always fun.
My grandma was a quilter, it would have been fun to see what she would have made out of this!
Monday, November 27, 2023
Moody floral
This is a cut paper floral piece. I love using a black background to make colors pop, especially these jewel tone colors. I couldn't resist adding a bird. We had our first snowfall on Sunday & decided to decorate the Christmas tree making for a very wintry weekend.
Saturday, November 25, 2023
Holiday Lane
Honk if you like the holidays!
Silence on my end...
I'm not a fan of the Christmas Season but I do adore twinkle lights!
🌟 ✨ 🌟 ✨ 🌟 ✨ 🌟 ✨ 🌟 ✨ 🌟 ✨
Wednesday, November 8, 2023
All the creatures great and small.
Do you have a favorite animal?
I'm fascinated by elephants and find ponies to be very pretty!
(But really I have a soft spot in my heart for all animals.)
Friday, November 3, 2023
Greetings November
A little wing flap and high kick as we move into November. Love the bright orange color of bittersweet berries!
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Halloween transportation
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
In the dark of night.
I drew this one digitally, using a black background always makes the colors pop! This also reminds me of my beloved Light Bright toy I had as a child. I just loved how those little pastel pegs lit up against the black board.
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Chocolaty Wonderland
Making art is my happy place anytime of the year! This is an assortment of animals painted with gouache. I like to paint on a sanded silkscreen paper as it really holds each brush stroke with a special kind of precision. (I discovered this trick years ago. ;)
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Wednesday, October 18, 2023
Dress up your digits
The month of October makes me think about "dressing up". I enjoy cutting and sewing as well as imaging little characters. These are some felt finger puppets I made several years ago that were sold at speciality stores and Nordstrom.
Thursday, October 12, 2023
Still blooming
Somehow in the second week of October I happily find myself with things still a bloom in our garden. As you can see many of the flowers I plant bring butterflies, bees and my favorite hummingbirds. (Gosh, I'll miss seeing them in the morning.)
Grateful to have flowers to water & colors to fill the grey days we've had lately. Holding on to the little things that make me feel calm while we watch other things spin out of control.
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Bugs on black
I LOVE to paint and somehow with just a few days until October my garden continues to bloom & buzz with all sorts of intriguing insects!
Sunday, September 24, 2023
We took our annual trip to the orchard over the weekend. I always look forward to this. There wasn't many apples left on the the trees this year and the harvest looked low. When we started out the day it was grey which made the few red apples left on the trees really pop. Then the sun came out to stay.
I took lots of pictures and all the ones with my boys (Antonio & Luca) made me laugh. They couldn't look less enthused! I'm grateful for the years they've let me drag them around from one seasonal outing after another.
We'll go back next year & hopefully they'll look a little happier!
Wednesday, September 20, 2023
On my mind...
Who captures your imagination?
I like making art that gives people an opportunity to tell someone special that they care about them.
This art was licensed for cards & I hope it helped someone feel warm & appreciated.
Friday, September 15, 2023
Sunday, September 10, 2023
Somewhere between here & there.
I like how this gouache painting hints at the subtle seasonal shifts we see this time of the year.
Monday, September 4, 2023
Farewell Summer
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
Time flies when you're having fun!
My sweet son turns 16 today!
I painted some characters and made them into a celebratory wrap for his gift.
Speaking of gifts his dad & I feel like we got the biggest gift with him- he's truly delightful!
Sunday, August 20, 2023
Monday, August 14, 2023
Off to School

Thursday, August 3, 2023
Accepting new members!
I've not been a part of many sports teams, or really actively followed one on an ongoing basis. That said I'm am a proud member of Team Wildflower! A bunch of dreamers & seekers of the beauty in life.
Friday, July 21, 2023
Garden Tour
My garden doesn't really look like this but my thumb is thankfully greening! That's the fun thing about painting- you can be aspirational & imagine just how you'd like things to look. Next year I would like to quadrant out areas one for only herbs, one for plants that bring pollinators, one full of veggies and next to that, a plot of plants that keep bugs away. (One with natural bug repellents, I'm curious how effective they are?)
Garden tip- if there are roses around never miss I chance to stop & give them a good sniff. I also like to rub my hands across lavender or rosemary for a quick fragrant pick me up.
Saturday, July 8, 2023
Let the good times roll! I've said it before & I'll say it again summer is my favorite season.
The sun, the warm air, the colors in the nature around me all adds to a happy, free feeling I carry in my mind through the summer months. I've never lived in a place that is warm year round I wonder would this feeling carry over? Or perhaps I find such enjoyment in the warm months because I know it's fleeting.?.