Folksy February flowers painted in way that would make a lovely rug! (or scarf)
Flowers and animals two things I could paint forever. 💘
Folksy February flowers painted in way that would make a lovely rug! (or scarf)
Flowers and animals two things I could paint forever. 💘
Always be growing!
This is the bookshelf behind the computer in my studio space where I grow plants year round.
Especially in January!
Firefighters are heroes! I've been astonished by the fire scenes in LA. I can only imagine how frightening it must be for everyone in the area. In K.C. we've had days of snow and ice which I'm so grateful is not fire. (switched my prospective on what really is a problem)
Antonio & I have been worried about the birds he's made two trips outside to refill the bird feeder and added a bowl of seeds on the ground at a second location. I loves his big heart and kindness! We'll wait to shovel until all the snow is done. It's powdery so it won't be well suited for making a snow friend. I've had six cups of tea today. (3 early grey and 3 peppermint once I realized I've had too much caffeine.) Hope you're holding up well if you're also being visited by snow, ice, and severe cold. (or just generally dislike January, which is completely understandable)