Saturday, March 8, 2025

Question for you....


Celebrating women everyday but especially on International Women's Day!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Flowers in hand


A mixed media bouquet to welcome the month of MARCH.

Friday, February 28, 2025

Spring 💦 💚

Telling myself good things are coming!  Turns out, it's much easier to paint PATIENCE than to be patient.


Friday, February 21, 2025

Almost ready!


 Do you have little hands that like to help in the kitchen? Bring the love of baking to toddlers and preschoolers with my new Hello, World! BAKING board book.  Ding! This book will be ready Oct. 14, 2025.  You can pre-order now but please know this is a long bake.

Kids are introduced to a variety of baking utensils, ingredients, and yummy treats you can create.  It’s my hope that this book will inspire something delightful.  I wish I had this one for my son who loved to whip up treats in his play kitchen 15 years ago!  🧁  🥐  🍰 ✨

Monday, February 17, 2025

NEW Hello, World! Solar System boxd set



Attention all young astronauts! I’m excited to share that my Hello, World! Solar System boxed set is on the horizon.  This set of four space and planet exploring board books will be available October 14, 2025.  It’s a perfect introduction into our fascinating universe and W😀W, did I learn a lot while making these books.  I hope you and the little ones you share it with will too!

If you're interested in pre-ordering here's a link.


Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day



I'll take Valentine's Day over Christmas anytime!  I especially prefer the pink and red color palette.  I'm a bit of a mush, and really like the idea of LOVE and telling the people close to you that you care.  This year I spent two days painting handmade Valentines for the special people in my life.  I'm lucky to have them and it feels good to spread love!

Connect with someone you care for!  It feels good for everyone. 

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Monday, February 10, 2025

A little reminder...


Valentine's Day is this Friday!  Don't forget to spread some love. 💗

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Painted floral border


Folksy February flowers painted in way that would make a lovely rug! (or scarf)

Flowers and animals two things I could paint forever. 💘

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Why wait until February?


To me:  From: me 💘
To you: From: you 💘
Are you a member of the self love club?
Hope so!

Spreading love anytime of the year is a good idea!

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Do you sew?


My latest fabric collection Story time with P & B Textiles is available now.
I infused this grouping with lots of charming characters and even a make-believe town for them to live in.
My hope is that this becomes something sewn and special for a little one with a love of story and a big imagination!

Monday, January 20, 2025

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day


Grateful for these wonderful words and for this very special man.

Let's stick with love!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

A - B - G


Always be growing!

 Not a bad motto. 

This is the bookshelf behind the computer in my studio space where I grow plants year round.  

Especially in January!

Friday, January 10, 2025

To the rescue


Firefighters are heroes!  I've been astonished by the fire scenes in LA.  I can only imagine how frightening it must be for everyone in the area.  In K.C. we've had days of snow and ice which I'm so grateful is not fire. (switched my prospective on what really is a problem)

I hope the city, families and especially kids effected get the help and resources they need.  It feels so strange watching a place burn. 

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Snow days

 The storm system that is sweeping across the U.S. is over Kansas City.  We're under a blizzard warning and I haven't been in a blizzard since 1994 my first semester in NYC as a freshman at Parson's.  I didn't enjoy snow then & that hasn't changed with age.
I do enjoy shades of white and find calmness in cutting out shapes and adding painted details. 
The view from my studio window is quiet and soft.  While I find snow inconvenient, I'm looking for the beauty in it.  (looking closely....)

I've switched my hand to just painting now.  I feel the need to keep busy when it's cold out & I feel trapped inside.  Blues against white makes me happy!

Antonio & I have been worried about the birds he's made two trips outside to refill the bird feeder and added a bowl of seeds on the ground at a second location.  I loves his big heart and kindness!  We'll wait to shovel until all the snow is done.  It's powdery so it won't be well suited for making a snow friend.  I've had six cups of tea today. (3 early grey and 3 peppermint once I realized I've had too much caffeine.)  Hope you're holding up well if you're also being visited by snow, ice, and severe cold. (or just generally dislike January, which is completely understandable)

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Happy New Year


Making predictions: 🔮 Here’s to a bright, joyful 2025!